What is in my Bat Bag?

I just got a new bat bag last week and cleaning out my old one was interesting. I had fruit snacks in there from last season...
From Giphy
There was crinkled up scouting reports and a lot of dirt.
I couldn't believe how gross the inside of my bag was. Although there was some unnecessary items in there, I have plenty of valuable things that always come in handy.

Here is a video of the context of my bat bag:
As you can see I am always prepared. You never know when you will need any of these items or when one of your teammates needs something. Look good, play good right?

Yes, on the right side of my video is my Christmas tree. I also know it is February 7th. We did not take down the Christmas ornaments yet either, but we did hang some Valentines day decorations on the tree.
Also my roommates were in the background laughing at me while I filmed this video.

If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in my future blog post please post a comment, or find me on twitter or Instagram. Twitter: @athleteideas. Instagram: @thoughtsfromastudentathlete


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