Thank You Softball
There is 1 week left in my softball career. It has been a long journey and it's hard to believe that it is almost over. I was a very very chubby child and needed to find a way to get in shape. I had tried a couple other sports, but nothing stuck. Somehow, I enjoyed the game and it's been in my life for 10 years. Softball has definitely kicked my butt in many ways. I want to thank my parents for all of the time they have invested in my me playing this sport. They used to be my chauffeur to pitching lessons, practice, games, and tournaments. They braved extremely cold temperatures and/or 115 degree heat for several years. They sacrificed so much time to watch me struggle and grow as an athlete. I want to thank all of the coaches I have had along the way. I especially want to thank all of the coaches that doubted me. Because of those coaches, I pushed myself to become better. I used their negativity to strive for greater things. I want to thank my pitching coaches....